Tuesday, March 25, 2008

From Meeting 1 - Summariser

I am learning to: summarise a piece of text. I will be successful when I can provide a brief summary of part of a story.

In the first 3 chapters we are introduced to a 12 year old boy named Keith. He is always trying to cheer his parents up.

His latest idea to make things a little more cheerful around his home didn’t go to plan. Keith’s parents didn’t exactly like the tropical mango orange paint and decided to explain to him why they weren’t happy all the time like they used to be. His dad told Keith that when they opened the fish & chip shop there was only 1 curry place and them. But now there is 3 curry places, McDonalds, Kentucky Fried, Spud-U-Like, the pub bistro and two other fish & chip shops! Their shop just wasn’t as popular as it used to be and wasn’t making as much money! But the message wasn’t really clear enough for Keith.
Now he is planning his next attempt to finally take the misery guts out of his Mum and Dad!!!!!

written by Georgia

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